R & D Brewing Service
Looking to develop recipes?
Needing to reformulate a malt bill or hop grist?
Looking to maximize hop aromatics from dry additions?
Trialing a new yeast?
Or just require pilot samples of a new product prior to commercial scaleup?
You’ve come to the right place!
“End-to-End Brewing”
Tell us what you want – we have the solution. Provide us with the brief and we will supply the production documentation, relevant comments/observations from the process along with the finished product.
Welcome to the R&D brewing service from Craft Brewing Solutions. We have a scale model (50 L nano) brewhouse complete with cylindroconical unitanks. We can brew, ferment, dry hop, condition and carbonate beer to meet your spec/target, thereby eliminating the guesswork and cost of large scale trials.
All finished product is racked into 20 L kegs for freshness and simplicity. Shipped to your location for appraisal.
In our 26 years of brewing we have brewed:
- IPAs
- Pale Ales
- Lagers (and Dark Lagers)
- Helles
- Bitters
- Pilsners
- Golden ales
- Blonde ales
- Brown ales
- Red ales
- Wheat beers
- Session ales
- Cloudy
- Smoke beers
- Porters
- Australian style
- New Zealand style
- English style
- Belgian style
- German style (Bock, Marzen, Festbier)
- American style
- Sour beers
- Lambic beers
- Special brews ( Barley Wine, Imperial Stouts )
Call or email us on consultant@craftbrewingsolutions.com.au, or use the form below: